The holidays are a common time of year to travel, and although its fun to see family and friends in faraway places, it does leave your home exposed to burglary, vandalism and other dangers in ways it isn't the rest of the year. Here are 12 ways to keep your home safe while you're gone this holiday season.
1. Buy energy-efficient bulbs for your porch light so it will last
2. Don't change anything obvious, like blinds
3. Don't leave spare keys around
4. Put your indoor lights on a timer
5. Stow valuables out of sight
6. Don't broadcast your travel plans
7. Leave cars where they're normally parked
8. Tell neighbors you're leaving so they can look out for your property
9. Have someone pick up your mail
10. Make a plan for pets so they don't get destructive
11. Stop newspaper delivery
12. Have good homeowners insurance.
A prime home safety tip is having excellent Florida homeowners insurance. That way, if anything does
Looking to keep your family safe all year? Download a Family Emergency Plan so you can be sure you've got your bases covered if the worst really does happen.
Have other questions about home safety? Give us a call today